Turning over a new leaf
A new year is a chance for rebirth, an opportunity to shake off the failures of the past and to move forward with a renewed sense of purpose and fresh hope for the future. We have, in recent memory, failed our planet—but the rejuvenation of our world and its incredible natural wonder is never beyond hope. However, with an environmentally hostile administration taking control on January 20th, our planet has never been in more danger, and it desperately needs our help. Send one of these gorgeous cards to a friend today—along with a donation to Wildlife Conservation Network, Parley for the Oceans or your own favorite environmentally focused charity—and start the new year off by giving back to the one who has given you so much—your mother earth.
Love Your Mother
Feeling generous? We make giving easy and cool, so let us help. Show love for a friend and support for a cause with one of our digital art cards and a donation of $5 up to $150.
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